Services LLC
LET'S TALK: 1-267-240-5131
Coaching with Joy

Joy has over 30 years experience as a professional negotiator, trainer, facilitator and leadership and organizational development specialist.
She now focuses her practice on individual, team, leadership and organizational development work. As a personal consultant and certified coach, she will help you discover the full breadth of value you bring to your work and gain recognition for that value. She will help you to identify opportunities and choices for your career growth and then gain the focus to choose next steps that lead you to your ideal fit for both work type and work environment.
Once in that ideal job, she will help you in working with others to maximize your contributions to the organization and, if you are in a leadership role, to manage your direct-reports to grow their capacity and elevate the overall performance of your team.
A specialty Joy brings is coaching and consulting with clients to skillfully negotiate job offers and salary increases. To gain the most value from this service, contact Joy before you even have the job interview! You may be asked in the interview what your salary requirements are and you want to have the answer that sets the right course for negotiating the best job offer!
Joy is a Certified Professional Coach by the Center for Coaching Certification and a member of the International Coaching Federation.
Both Joy and her partner Perry are Licensed Practioners with the Insights® Discovery Portfolio of Products.